National Lottery Community Fund (Scotland) - Autumn Has Arrived 🍂

To kick off the official start of autumn, we held another fantastic Lottery Community Fund (Scotland) watercolour session at Shorelark.

Artwork by Allison and Verena
The ripening rowan berries provided a perfect subject to embrace the changing season. Using a palette of rich greens, crimson, and burnt sienna, we created lively, atmospheric watercolour studies and bookmarks. I was amazed by the beautiful paintings of berries, brambles, and bindweed—stunning work from everyone.

Artwork by Carol and Dorothy
These community sessions offer a great opportunity to gather and enjoy creating in a friendly space. The studio always buzzes with good humour, with plenty of support and encouragement shared among all attendees.
If you're interested in attending a FREE community session, please check out the schedule here:
The sessions are suitable for all skill levels, with all materials provided. These community gatherings are made possible by National Lottery players.